Strand One: Discovering 21st Century Skills
This is a self-guided tour. Use the links below to explore 21st century skills, web 2.0 tools or helpful sites for your content area.
What IS web 2.0, anyway?
Web 1.0
(the basic internet) was, more or less, one-way. You went to a website and looked at it,
Web 2.0 is two-way and collaborative, and much of your interaction occurs on the web(you don't have to "download" anything). Blogs, Wikis, YouTube, Facebook and many other sites fit this category. (Here is what Wikipedia says if you want a more "technical" definition.)
Tech tools for Multiple Intelligences:
Take the short quiz and find out if you're a kinesthetic, visual,
or other kind of learner, then follow the links for tech tools and
teaching ideas that match your(or your students') "multiple intelligence."
K12 Online Conference Presentations: the tools IN the classroom:
K12 Online is a virtual conference--all presentations are posted online. Want to know more about using Google,
cell phones in the classroom, blogging, putting the "good teaching" behind the tools,
evaluating work? Grab your headphones and watch 25-60 minute presentation by teachers from around the world.
Then put yourself on the conference map!
For example, this 20 min. video is a great discussion of what a 21st century classroom can be like.
(right click, and "save target as" to download the video for viewing) Several VIDEOS are already in the STAFF SHARED/IA Folder for you!!
Student Productivity/Personal Responsibility/Notetaking:
Huge list of tools to help students with notetaking, organizing, math skills, resume writing
List of global web 2.0 classrooms:
Check out these examples of web 2.0 uses in real classrooms across the globe, from many subject areas
Information Literacy and Using web 2.0 tools:
Find some great hoax sites to use with students, watch a video, or find links on sites for teaching critical thinking about information on the web, use the SIDEBAR to find tips and instructions for using blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more.(from WHS Library)
Global connections:
Want to find out more about projects at other schools, or connect with other teachers? Check out some ways to work with teachers from other campuses here.
50 Ways to Tell A Story
50 different web 2.0 tools enabling students to tell stories, verbally, visually, with maps, etc.
Teachers Without Borders
Canadian teacher website with links to teachers from around the world/way to connect globally
Other resources for information and articles about 21st Century Learning:
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Model Schools
Images all from Flickr Creative Commons: Photos by alphachimstudio, opencontent, odlaigh, smithco, plusalan, rickardocarreon, sporkwrapper, samjudson, wimmulder
ordered from it, or used it.
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