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Whs Staff Development



Strand Three: Honor and Ethics (click on sidebar to see previous strands)


This is a self-guided tour. Use the links below to explore issues related to ethics, personal responsibility, plagiarism, and strategies you can use.




Ethics -- the underpinnings


resources on teaching ethics in sports, in the classroom, etc.

list of web sites with info on ethics, both in and out of the classroom


schoolwide program promoting ethics and "six pillars" of character


* Idea box -- Have your students research and build a wiki site(web page) for action around a theme/issue


Some student powered examples:

Academic Integrity and Cheating


  • The problem

YouTube plugin error




  • Real world lawsuits relating to copyright infringement (from Stanford)


Idea box**  Have students create their own integrity or ethics posters using photos from Flickr's Creative Commons photos or their own, and the FD's Flickr Toys site.   


photo by cfoote




Resources and TIPS


Clemson Center for Academic Integrity

click on different subjects on blue tab to find articles, handouts, k12 examples, scenarios, etc. for classroom use


Pennsylvania Dept of Education Plagiarism Brochure for teacherstips for avoiding problems


Handy chart for teachers on Fair Use and Multi-media (from Technology and Learning)





**Idea Box*****Student Created Scenarios --Have students use software like Toondoo.com, photostory, or digital movie software, to write their own ethical scenarios for class discussion



Or to whom is this unfair? ;)





Plagiarism and unfair uses



1.  Ask students to use more demanding sources (databases, charts and graphs, maps, videos, etc.) 

     Share this Voice Thread video on "databases VERSUS google--when to choose)

2.  Add complexity to assignments--researching rather than reporting

3.  Allow primary sources(blogs, email, personal interviews)--mix up the kinds of sources you encourage

4.  Use notetaking tools,(here's 50 online ones) journaling, mind-maps, etc. and teach information gathering strategies to avoid "cut and paste" or "hunt and print."


Copyright and Fair Use--What IS permitted?






  • Copyright Bee 

    interactive sites for students; 9th gr. appropriate




"If a teacher asks me to just write “about” bats, heck, I’ll copy that report right out of Groliers, electronic or print. . . .


"But if instead that teacher asks me to


    • find out if people could use the same techniques bats use to fly at night,
    • show how bats are like or unlike other mammals,
    • build a bat house and explain its design
    • create an appeal to prevent people from killing bats,
    • write a story from a bat’s point of view, or
    • speculate about why are people afraid of bats

you’ll see work from me which almost has to be original!"





Student Projects -- Ideas for teaching


See how one teacher had students create a wiki textbook themselves about online safety. Use a wiki site or Google Docs, and have students brainstorm rules of ethics for your classroom. Give them a personal investment in the rules by asking them to help create them.


***Idea box: Student Created Scenarios

Have students create scenarios relating to plagiarism for class discussion; relate them specifically to your subject area



Creative Commons and the "new" Copyright--Modeling Ethical behavior for our students


Question--Are google images copyrighted?  YES   If students use them in a project, should they credit them, just like a book or website? YES


Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a new concept of copyright.  It allows the creator of a work (digital movie, music, text) to designate when work can be freely shared, edited, or remixed.

The creator of the item picks the "level" of use that is acceptable to them, and designates the project/movie/etc. with that label.  Many sites with video or images(like Flickr) are starting to use this to show that an item can be used legally by someone else.




YouTube plugin error



Now watch the remixed version of this video--because it's Creative Commons licensed, the creator gives others permission to "remix" the video and change it, without violating copyright.



Sites where you can locate creative commons approved works:



What are the legal uses of images/video in projects?  Do you follow them?


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Westlake High School Staff Development





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