After viewing and accessing Web 2.0 tools, here are a few places you can join to become part of the Internet community.
Social Bookmarking - Don't know what it is? How about watching a simple video at Common Craft. - Click on SignUp on the top right of the page. - Click on Register on the top right of the page. - Click on the link on the far right and middle for "No Google Account? Sign up"
Social Picture Sharing - Same concept as Social bookmarking. You are posting pictures for others to share and comment about. - Click on Create Your Account on the right and middle to make an account. - Click on the Join Now red button on the top right. - Not a Free service but allows more security with pictures. $30 a year subscription fee. - Social community for sharing videos, blogs, and pictures in an all in one place. Click on Sign Up on the top left.
Social Networking and Sharing
NING Sites - Use your Staff Lounge account through Ning to access other social networks of educators. Make an account and then click on "All Social Networks" and browse through the summaries for Nings for you to join. No account yet, click the link and go to Sign Up to Get Started on the far right (below the cartoon people). - Invites teachers to join who are using collaborative technologies. A full site of sharing resources from teachers all over the world.
By Department, this is a listing of various NINGS
Foreign Language - - 19 pages with 18 NING sites per page.
English - - 49 pages with 18 NING sites per page
Special Education - - 84 pages with 18 NING sites per page
Math - - only 3 pages with 18 NING sites per page. Maybe some of you could make your own NING sites for sharing!
Social Studies - - 532 pages with 18 NING sites per page. Whew!
Health - - 43 pages with 18 NING sites per page
Technology - - 42 pages with 18 NING sites per page
Art - - 67 pages with 18 NING sites per page
History - - 16 pages with 18 NING sites per page
I think you get the idea! ;)
Share your Presentations and Handouts: Great alternatives to School Center to hold your Power Points or other presentations. - View and post your Power Point presentations to the web. You can also comment on other presentations. Search tool for finding presentations based on topic. Create an account to upload your own by clicking on the Signup link (very small) at the top of the page toward the middle. - View and post presentations on the web. You can even record your voice narrative for each slide. Click on Sign In or Register at top of page to create your account. - Create an account through Google to not only share documents but you can collaborate and work with an online presentation tool as well. Click on the link on the far right and middle for "No Google Account? Sign up". - FREE online tools include word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation tools. Click on Blue Sign Up link on far right under Sign In section.
Share Multimedia Showcases: - Not only do you need an account for uploading videos, but you can also save Favorite videos in your account to retreive easier. Click on Sign Up link across top of screen. - Same as YouTube but without all the inappropriate content. You can upload videos or store favorites that you find. - Student generated news and videos by topic. Great videos and resources to share with your kids.
Create your own Wiki site: Create a site, give students the password, and they can add links to your site as well. Good for clubs, too. Has templates for projects, calendars, etc. Another wiki site free to educators, with built in menu bar. Wiki that allows you to "invite" writers so you know who is posting what to the site. Also free for educators.
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